Over the last 6 months or so of the global "situation" we've been in, I took a bit of a hiatus from shooting and content production. I knew the time would come when I would just feel it was the right time to start actively shooting again, and a few weeks ago, I felt that time had come. So, I planned a shoot, scheduled Taylor Mae who I had wanted to work with for some time and was conveniently traveling through the area, and pinned a date on the calendar when we had a window of good weather.
But then the weather changed. I had a full shoot plan and mood board based on a couple of quick studio looks followed by several mid-day sun looks. Two days before the shoot it was obvious that the skies were not going to be cooperative for the majority of the shoot plan. Yeah I had studio looks planned, but I wasn't equipped to do a full all day studio shoot, I was only planning on setting up a quick look in my living room.
Last minute I found myself scrambling to increase the versatility of the limited space I had to work in, and with my already packed schedule during the week it was right up to the last minute. Renting a studio last minute was not an option and I was determined to make it work. We were hopeful we would have a few windows of opportunity between bouts of rain to run outside and see what we could accomplish, and fortunately about halfway into the third look we noticed it had stopped raining.
A quick drive to a nearby location and we hit the ground running. With some assistance from my buddy Jeremy who was on hand to capture some BTS footage, we were able to run around pretty efficiently and create a variety of looks despite the weather.
This was not part of the original shoot plan, but the look this is from ended up being some of my favorites from the day. I simply had to give up on making it look like it wasn't raining, and make the best of the conditions given to me. It just goes to show that sometimes the plan isn't the reality, and adaptability and problem solving skills win the day.
